A walk to remember

Today we have to write about a walk we would like to do again. Come to my mind several, most are from my days on Laguna Verde, a rural town near to Valparaiso. I visit it often, since I was 11, because my grandmother built her beach house there -well, now is her home- and all the family spend our vacations there.

When we start to go, all around us was woods with some house here and there, the roads were dirt and in the night there’s no light other than the moon and starts. We spend so many hours explore the woods sections and the walking trails. Sometimes we took the car and go further away.
There’s the Curaumilla lighthouse, this was on a hill with a large esplanade around and next to a cliff, always ran a wild wind because of that, sometimes it makes difficult to walk, but it was funny raise your arms and feel the wind, with the hair on your face. There also be some ruins from a house, only the basements were still standing. It was a beautiful place for walk around, look at the birds and the sea wolf on one big rock in the sea next to the cliff.

I really want to go there again, there are so many years of memories. Unfortunately, the navy encircled the perimeter and you can’t climb to the lighthouse or the lands around anymore. It’s sad, but the things change and we can only resort to memories to bring them back.


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